Cary Mathews won his primary race!

Cary Mathews won his primary race!

The primary race is over, Cary will be on the ballot in November

June 28, 2022, O'Fallon, Illinois - The unofficial results are in for the 2022 Illinois Primary and Cary Mathews won the Republican primary race for County Board District 2. The St. Clair County Clerk will certify the election around July 20, once the vote by mail ballots and provisional ballots have been adjudicated. At the time of writing, Mr. Mathews collected 472 votes.

"We were not worried about the Primary," said Mr. Mathews, "District 2 leans Republican and the votes we received reflected that reality." As the election season transitions into the campaign for the General Election in November, Mr. Mathews' campaign will look to inform voters that they will have a choice up- and down-ballot. "The St. Clair GOP has done a great job finding candidates for more than 90% of the contested positions this election," said Mr. Mathews. "Running for county board is just one position of the larger Republican team we've fielded to improve Illinois for families and businesses."

With just over 90 days until vote by mail ballots are sent out, this is a very abbreviated campaign season. Voters across Illinois should be expecting to see candidates, including Mr. Mathews, looking to make a bid for votes in the coming days and weeks.

About Cary Mathews: Cary Mathews is running for St. Clair County (Illnois) Board District 2. He is a Christian, a husband and a father, in that order. He is employed as a contractor to the US military as a cybersecurity subject matter expert (no endorsement by his employer or by their customer). Once elected to the county board, Cary will represent the residents of District 2 and pursue the values of life, family, and liberty. More information about Cary Mathews' campaign for County Board can be found on his website,

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