Cary attending IGOLD

Springfield, Illinois Thu 31 March 2022

Cary attending IGOLD

The Second Amendment is an important part of what makes the United States of America unique among the nations of the world. Our founders gave the people the means to secure their own freedom via the use of arms, removing the monopoly of force from the newly formed federal government.

Illinois is no friend to the right to keep and bear arms, though recent court cases have forced the state to allow the carry of firearms in public by citizens. The FOID card has been declared unconstitutional (though the Illinois Supreme Court has vacated that decision), so we are progressing back towards the intention of the founders.

The Illinois Gun Owners Lobby Day (IGOLD) is sponsored by the Illinois State Rifle Association, bringing gun owners from across the state to the capitol to lobby for more firearm-friendly legislation. If this is an issue that you are concerned about, I invite you to join us in Springfield on April 6th.

Edit 2022-08-03: fixed spelling error

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Photo credit: Lou on Illinois Carry Forums